My Dream House

Remodeling RoomResidential RemodelingKitchen and Bath Remodeling and Interior Redesign are crucial.

house can easily be made up of bricks and beams but a HOME is all made up of hopes and dreams. Mainly It’s home sweet home. It’s where your heart is. It’s where you make it.

I dream for a Glass House.
Since my childhood, I have always been obsessed with houses. I easily get attracted to any descent, stylish yet simple house. I dream for a house which should be perfect, welcoming and large to fit my family's needs. Everyone once in a while has an idea of what kind of house they need in when they grow up or have a family.

My dream house would almost be shaped like a sphere and made of glass, and there would be a platform where you can bungee jump off. 
My dream house would also have a garden with all sorts of flowers growing. Also I want that my ideal house would be located in small neighbourhood near a lake or river. It would be a sort of cottage with a balcony that looks out on the river. I would spend my days sitting on the balcony and reading favourite books. Also, there would be a large workroom where I could work on my browse the web on my computer. I just need a relaxing place where I can live with free stressed and peaceful mind.

Unlike other people's dream houses, my dream house does not need to be very large or have a lot of facilities. I think as long as I will live with my family and the ones I love, I will be living in my dream house.
It take years to achieve a dream house of choice so dream for it and then make that dream come true.


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